I may have to resubscribe to Good Housekeeping, because I have always found them to be useful. I posted about an article from them earlier this month.
This tip I found shortly after we were married. Before anyone yells at me that my husband should do his own laundry, let me say up front I LIKE doing laundry. And I certainly like it a lot more than taking out the trash, cleaning the bathroom tub, doing the dishes, or any of the other multitude of things he does around here, so I am happy to do so.
In his old job he didn't need to wear dress shirts that often. This new one though, every day. Instead of either taking the shirts to be cleaned and pressed, costing at a minimum $1.30/shirt, I clean them as I normally would in the wash, gentle cycle. I dry on low heat so they dry completely but don't shrink. THEN, instead of ironing, I place a damp hand towel in the dryer with them, and depending on how many shirts are in there, put on normal heat anywhere from 10-30 mins. The steam from the towel will iron out the wrinkles and ensure they don't shrink.
The trick is, you can't let the shirts sit. Once the dryer goes off, take and out and IMMEDIATELY hang up. Works everytime, nice neat shirts, and no fuss.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
My husband has to wear dress shirts and I have found the no-iron shirts to be a lifesaver. They definitely pay for themselves by not having to be ironed and always look nice and crisp! I always tell our moms that they are what he needs for birthday/Christmas presents