We are in our mid 30s and professional. We have had three layoffs in two years. We have one son and ZERO debt! This blog offers some insight as to how we do it.
For years I had started blogs on a whole host of topics, but never stayed with them. But nearly nine months later, this one is still going strong. To find out how this started, click here.
While I began this when we were both unemployed, I think the value remains, or at least I hope it does. As for the web address and the banner picture, that's our living room couch. I am vowing that we will own it until we die. It is a symbol of what we are going through and God willing what we will survive. This having been said, it has more stains than I care to remember, and is in need of additional patches. In my dream world it will one day be in our basement with lots of toys and other things. One day we will have adult items. One day.
As a final note, I want this blog to be functional and EASY. I scour the Internet searching for deals for myself (and you too), and will post them as soon as I find. You can follow me on Twitter and join the Facebook group too. I will also pass along news items of financial note, and sometimes just ramble about what life is like with The Monkey, my dear hubby, our 800 sf of love or whatever is on my mind.
Feel free to email me at mary(dot)bluepatches(at)gmail(dot)com. Happy Reading...enjoy the couch,
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago