A friend recommended Shoppers Food Warehouse, and since they along with Harris Teeter were having a triple-coupon special this week, I decided to give it a try. I went there first. I had gone to Shoppers in the past when we lived elsewhere but was never all that impressed.
I am sorry to report that my impressions from four years ago remained the same.
The prices were not THAT much cheaper, and infact they were were more expensive in some regards (milk for $3.69!) Campbells Chix noodle was more expensive ($1) than HT (.89), and butter was too (Shoppers $2.59, HT $2.49). They had some good promotions, such as Campbells Gravy 2/$1 (vs. HT $1.59/bogo), and Rice-a-roni for $1 always, but nothing in the store that will get me to come back without the triple coupons and even with them if another store has the same deal.
Bottom line at Shoppers, spent $63.93 for:
2 boxes of generic cereal (Oats&Almonds and Raisan Bran)
Generic cranberry sauce
3 boxes of ricearoni
2 boxes Hamburger Helper
Soft Scrub
2 patches of Ortega Taco Seasoning
3 bottles of generic seltzer
2 cartons of Progressive Chicken Broth
3 cans of Campbells Chix Noodle
4 cans of Campbells Gravy
1 jar of Paprika
1 package of Smithfield Bacon
1 package of Blueberry Waffles
2 packages of Totinos Frozen Pizza
1 package of TGIF Complete meals
1 package of Dole Frozen Fruits
1 package of Shredded Cheese
1 package of Unsalted Butter
1 package of generic Parmesan cheese
1 package of Nestle Choc Chip Cookie Dough
1 bottle of Suave
Total: $63.93
Total coupon savings: $18.65
According to the receipt I saved 23% of my bill with my coupons.
But, because I am rather certain they over charged me for one item (that if it was closer I would go back and complain) AND I paid full price for the TGIF meal when it was $3 off at HT, I do not feel like I saved that much. Ugh.
Then after coming home, having hubby unload car I went to HT.
Aside from the aforementioned TGIF meal savings (which I didn't buy since I already had used coupon), they had some good sales. They organize the coupon differently, so this is what I bought:
1 Reynolds Crock Pot Liner
1 can of Lysol Spray
1 package of Tostitos Lime Chips
1 jar of Franks Hot Sauce
1 box of Raisan Bran
1 bottle of V8 Fusion
1 box of HT cereal bars
1 box of Wolfgang Puck Stock
1 box of Wolfgang Puck Broth
1 bottle of Karo Syrup
1 6-pack of beer
1 gallon HT ice cream
1 carton of Welch's Grape Juice
1 roll of HT cinn breakfast rolls
1 package of Hormel Pepperoni
I spent a total of $34.05
I received $20.32 in coupon savings and an additional $8.93 in VIC promotions. So based on their prices and my coupons I saved nearly half the price of my bill...sweet.
I found that HT has better sales, as in the items are reduced by a greater amount when they are on sale. This is one reason I will remain loyal to HT.
Also, going over the list, you'll notice a lot of gravy and stock. My husband was confused and couldn't figure out why I got so much. The reason is because of the triple coupons and the sale price for these items because its the holidays they became super super cheap, especially the Wolfgang Puck which I would never otherwise buy. So now we are stocked up, no pun intended.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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