This will definitely be a random musing post....
Its been more than 2 years since I was a reporter, being paid to find the news and hopefully scoop others. Some days I did, some days I didn't. I loved my job, all aspects of it, and this was just one of the many ways I would fill my days.
Writing this blog in many ways is similar, especially since I have found other similar blogs. I readily acknowledge I get some tips from them. I have and will post links giving them credit. So its understandable that today, when I saw another blog that I had forwarded my scoop to (in hopes they would give me credit like I have done with them) tell the news on Facebook and not give me credit, that I would be a little bit mad. Ok, a lot mad. Luckily for you, I made this discovery about 6 hours ago, so the anger has subsided and I don't have the energy to vent as I would have this afternoon if I were not running after an 18 month old.
Something else, that is of a more pertinent nature for you, the reader, is this. As I have said before, I am not here to be paid by others to direct you to certain websites. If Amazon wants to give me money, great, but if their deals are in the terlit, I am going to say so. I stumbled across a blog today that was pushing amazon, and then at the bottom she had a disclaimer. Kudos for having the disclaimer in the first place, but since when is saving money and encouraging others to do so, incompatible with being honest?
Thats my two cents. Hope you had success on Cyber Monday, I didn't buy a thing. And thanks to everyone who has joined the FB group. I appreciate your reading and sharing the news about money saving ideas.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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