Two jobs ago I worked in an office and one of my colleagues would go out almost daily and buy lunch from the sushi bar or hot/cold bar. I remember thinking at the time how foolish this was because s/he was spending at least $8/day for a meal that looked ok, but not that great.
I have always been cheap. The name for this blog comes in part from my freshman year roommate, Big Bird (we didn't like each other too much) and she got sick of me saying I was cheap, so she introduced me to the word pecuniary. I changed it slightly for this, but you get the point. Anyway, since I began working in an office I have always been on the lookout for bargain frozen foods. And for a little more than what my colleague paid for ONE lunch, I could usually get for the whole week. How?
It seems every week either Safeway, HT or Giant always has the Frozen meals on sale, 4 for $10 or sometimes even 5 for $10. And it wasn't just the Lean Cuisines or WW varieties, but Marie Calendar and Boston Market. Now these meals in and of themselves are not that filling but if they make up the bulk of your meal you can then buy (or better yet bring as well) your drink and a bag of chips or something. My husbands office did not have the best of microwaves so this didn't always work for him, but if you have a functioning microwave, go for it. And if you don't and there are enough of you in the office, maybe consider splurging for one. In the end you will wind up saving money, big time.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
i just bookmarked. I have always wanted to be in on a big-name blog from the get-go and be one of the commenters who has all these inside jokes with the writer. Now I can! Keep up the good work.