Depending on how tomorrow goes, this could very well be my last post of 2009.
I just checked our savings account statements. On Dec. 31, 2008, we had "x" in the bank. This was nearly a month after my husband's layoff. Today, despite everything we have been through, and including the purchase of a new car, and major home repair work, our savings account balance is "x+$1,279." Not bad. The high water mark was on May 30 (two weeks after my layoff) when we had "x+11,714."
We started the year with zero credit card debt. Until yesterday this was the case as well. But the holidays and other expenses (weddings, flights, other unplanned repairs) added up. We could easily pay the Discover off, but I decided the peace of mind I have from seeing a balance that would pay for a real emergency, should one arise, was worth the $30 I would pay (yes, I called to find out exactly how much it would be) to carry the balance. Not happy about it, but you do what you have to. I don't expect to carry it long.
Many of the things we did this year seem like common sense to me. We do not eat out that much, and our gifts to one another for birthdays or holidays have centered more around thought than extravagance or price. I have grown to love my crockpot, and making spaghetti sauce is a favorite. Freecyle has become one of my favorite things to do (both in the giving and getting departments).
This will sound odd, but in many ways I am glad we experienced what we did. It has certainly taught me to appreciate our many blessings (and that's exactly what they are) far more than I think I did before. We have a beautiful son and our health. No matter how much I complain about our 800 sf of love, at the end of the day, we have a roof over our heads and a perfect night for me really is sitting on the couch watching tv or playing a game with my husband. I am even content for him to play his mindless video games (which I will never understand) if I can read a book or the newspaper. I look at many people who have much more of material value and wonder if they are truly as content?
Looking forward to 2010, we are going to have to do some serious soul-searching and planning as to what we want (now that the needs are taken care of). I want to get our savings back up. While we have about a three-month emergency fund in place, I would like to make this six. I would also like to have money for a down payment (one day!) for a larger home. A girl can dream. Regardless of whether we buy or rent, I hope and pray Santa visits us in a larger place than we are in now. Our living room looks like Santa's toybag EXPLODED everywhere, and up until this morning when the trash went out, our kitchen was overflowing with boxes.
I would like my husband to be able to contribute more to his 401k. While his new job pays a fair amount more than my last job did, we are actually making less because his health insurance benefits are atrocious compared to what I received. I had known my old benefits were good, I had no idea they were that good!
We would like at some point for our son to be a big brother. I don't dare look into what the cost of raising a child is according to the experts. But in this same vein we need to begin working on his college 529, something that took a back seat in May.
As many of you know I like to read the newspaper, old habits die hard what can I say. I'll admit reading this article in Sunday's Wash Post Business section (which has become one of my favorite sections -- even if I don't get to read until Tuesday night), made me jealous. These kids have no idea how lucky they are, I can only dream to have the savings they do. And we will be paying off my student loans until our son starts college -- no that is not an exaggeration.
But then I read this article, also from Sunday Biz section, and I saw a lot of us in the couples they profiled. We have shopped around and I did threaten to leave Comcast if they didn't reduce our rates. They did. And our rate is now cheaper. Next up on the chopping block in the new year, car insurance and cell phone plans. I'll keep you posted.
My sister-in-law said me to once they did not get worried about us (too much, that is) last summer because we did not seem worried or upset. I really did have faith, and I still do. Whatever is meant to happen, as long as I have my husband, my son and our health, we will be ok.
I am human though, I don't understand paying $200 to watch a football for teams you don't care about. And I will never get the need to have the newest shoes, makeup or purses (Vera Bradley and Clinique make nothing off of me). But as 2009 chugs on out into the history books, I know now more then ever that we as a family unit are richer in many of the ways that matter most: our strong family and friends, and each other. For that, I am and always will be eternally grateful!
Happy 2010! See you on the flip side...
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago