I planned out our menu for the week, here goes.
Sunday (last night): we had burgers
Monday: Chicken tacos, recipe courtesy of IrishErin, easy...1 lb chix, Package of taco seasoning. Put chicken in crockpot, with seasoning and water recipe on package calls for. Place on low for 7 hours or so (I am cheating, 3 hours low, 3 hours high). Chicken can even be frozen when you stick in. You fix it and forget it...SO EASY!
Tuesday: Shepards pie. I make my own version of Rachel Rays, which can be found here.
Wednesday: steaks
Thursday: Pasta and sausage
Friday: pizza
Saturday: burgers
Most of these ingredients I already had. I was low on boneless skinless chicken, so we headed to Costco this morning and I bought the big 10 lb bag for $20.
We did a lot of shopping this am for food, food for the month. We spent $52 at Costco, including the chicken, red peppers ($5), fruit snacks ($11) cereal bars ($11)and diced tomoatoes ($3.50).
The cereal bars reminded me to update the list of where I get my staples cheapest. It can be found here. For $11 I got 48 cereal bars. My son loves them! We were buying them at Harris Teeter, 8 in a box for $1.98. But 48 from HT would cost close to $16, so this is a $5 savings.
I didn't need the fruit snacks, but we ran into a friend who had her son with her. He is just 6 weeks older than my monkey. They had the fruit snacks, and my friend opened hers mid-store for the boys to try. The Monkey loved them! I checked the label and they were good for him, so I figured what the heck. He eats so little as it is, I will take whatever nutrition for him I can get!
Finally, I usually buy the Contina (sp?) tomato sauce or diced tomatoes. They are $2.99. But when I was reading the label, the Centro was actually better by a long shot with more vitamins and protein, so I spent the extra 50 cents.
After Costco we went to Trader Joes. We spent $13 on salad stuff and vegetables for the shepards pie, minus the potatos.
So its Monday...and I have spent a whopping $65! That leaves us with $20. Lucky for me most of the food was for the long haul so hopefully it will last.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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