It seems the last few months have been hard for me to get online, talk about money saving tips, and get ideas. I hope and pray August is different.
My father passed away last month. Anyone who knew JJ knew he liked to save a buck better than anyone. He was a leftie, but it was cheaper to buy rightie golf clubs, so he did. He sacrificed an incredible amount to make sure my brothers and I received a Catholic education (because in Baltimore you just don't send your kids to public school). He always wanted what was best for us. I take comfort in knowing he is upstairs watching out for all of us. I will try to be better about posting here as a way to honor him.
We also went on vacation in July. While we drove 10 hours each way, it didn't cost us that much because we had already budgeted for it. All our spending money came from our Pennies in Jar and the money we would normally spend during a week. And the cost of rent on the most beautiful lake anywhere was covered by a freelance job I had several months ago. I put the money aside immediately so we never felt the pinch.
I have decided I need to be doing more freelance work if we are ever going to escape our 800 sf of love, so I have a few ideas I may be bouncing around in the coming months.
Sorry this is rambly. More later.
PS to the spammers who keep trying to post. I am deleting all your posts, so please stop. Thank you.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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