We have to have our bathroom redone.
We knew when we bought this place we would have to redo the bathroom before we sold. I was just hoping that when the time came it would be because we chose to do so, and not because we were forced.
As you may remember from last fall, we spent a healthy chunk of change getting the pipes fixed. It appears we will have to spend at least that much again to fix the bathroom. The problem is there is a leak that is slowly spreading water into the base of our son's room. The mold is not bad, so say the experts, but now that we know about the problem both my husband and I want to get fixed. ASAP.
The remodel is not completely huge. We are keeping the sink, toilet, vanity, and mirror (which I hate). We have to have all new shower tile and new floors. And we have to keep our fingers crossed that fixing this will stop the leak in his room AND that when they tear down the walls to get to the leak, that they won't find anything worse.
I haven't been blogging as much as I did before. It seems the thing that is most on my mind is getting out of these 800 sf and what I can do about it. Since there doesn't appear to be an immediate solution, I don't want to sound like a broken record. And since I haven't seen any good deals lately, I haven't been posting those. I hope I can get back to this more, I know now that is a broken record.
What I will say is this though, a friend recently asked me two questions. First, was living here making me miserable? Yes, I quickly replied. I told him that I would do X to get out of this condo and have the banks refinance us so we could rent someplace larger while still paying our obligations here. I said that he could make X just about anything he could think of and the answer would still be the same. I desperately want more space.
His second question was more telling though, for him and for me. He asked if my misery was affecting my life. I said no. Aside from stepping on what seems to be my son's endless supply of blocks and cars (and he is only 2!!!), I am relatively happy. I love my husband, even if he leaves his clothes everywhere. I love my son more everyday. I have great friends and an amazing family. I am grateful for what I have. I know that I am lucky.
But...I am still miserable, something he said was not possible if it was not affecting my life, but I beg to differ, in my 800 sf of love. Hopefully this bathroom renovation will get us one teeny tiny step closer to my goal of getting out of here. At least I am getting my black and white diamond flooring, that's a silver lining for ya!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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