Friday, April 30, 2010

Why I love Harris Teeter

This is going to be shorter than I originally envisioned, but my son's naptime is surely coming to an end soon.

First, as I noted on the Facebook group page (not a fan, join here), Harris Teeter is offering triple coupons through Tuesday, May 4. What this means is, if you have a coupon worth .98 cents, it becomes $2.97. More likely you have a 75 cents coupon, so that becomes $2.25! They are tripling coupons up to 99 cents, so that $1 off is just a $1, but the others are worth big bucks!

Second, I love HT because the customer service really does seem to be better than other stores. A friend told me he once mentioned to the fish department he wished they had more of XX fish (sorry J, can't remember what it was exactly). A week or two later, sure enough they had XX fish.

On Tuesday, during my second trip of the day (needed to get in before the sales changed the next day), they were out of the eVic special, an email alert I get giving me even more savings. Fitzgerald, the very nice meat manager, searched for me throughout the store to tell me he checked in the back and no dice they were out. BUT, I could get a comparable item for the same price. So I got a $9 piece of pork loin for $4. And the one I got, was NICER than the one they had on sale!

Third, I love HT because the prices are generally as cheap or cheaper than other stores. I have noted before I shop specific stores for specific items (ground beef and coffee come to mind), but for general shopping when you combine their coupon policy with their general prices, its just a better deal (time and gas money wise) to shop there. When I did my shopping on Tuesday, I only noticed ONE ITEM of my regular staples at Giant (Special K Fiber Bar) that was cheaper there than at HT.

So with great coupons, good selection, good customer service, etc. I have decided I going to do most of my general shopping at HT. My time is money too!

What kids really need...

My son has a birtday coming up. He will be 2.

A lot of people have asked about what to get him for his bday. With our 800 sf of love, he really doesn't need anything (or I should probably say not sure I can handle him getting more since there is only so much my very generous brothers and sister-in-law can store in their basements). I tell them trucks, books and cars are always safe bets. He absolutely doesn't need clothes though since we are on the gravy train of hand me downs between my husband's cousin (whose sone is 6 months older than ours) and our godson, who just turned five.

I told Marie, my faithful-blog reading Mother-in-law, and my own Mom, that what my son really needs is either more space or more money for college. This article in today's New York Times scared the bejesus out of me!

I went to Providence College. I graduated 13 years ago. There is no chance I would have gone there had the tuition been anything close to $53k! I worked as an RA, in the library and took out student loans(that we will still be paying off when my son goes to college) to go there. I say proudly going there was the single best decision of my life, without it I never would have met my husband or had my son, and these two people mean more to me than anything in the world.

Many people feel this way about their college educations. It scares me though to think about how on earth we are going to pay for our son's education, and thats 16 years off. We do have a 529, but its got a paultry amount in it. The article has definitely encouraged me to start putting more in, even if its just $20/month.

If you don't have a 529, get one! If you do, make sure you are putting away what ever you can. And if people ask what to give your child, be honest. Sure they want to give fun gifts, who doesn't, but if you want to be honest, tell them what Katie and Jimmy really need...and its not a new truck or Barbie doll.

When I write a book...

..its either going to be titled 'Wonder Woman doesn't exist,' or have some play on words with the whole Carol Brady thing, since my last name is Brady (Mary Bluepatches is not my real name, in case you didn't know that), and I am no Carol.

Many of you have written me and told me that you really appreciated my earlier post. That means a lot. I am glad you could relate. It shows that we are not alone in the journey of motherhood and being, for the most part, the cfo of our families, as well as the cruise director in our own lives.

The fact of the matter is Wonder Woman DOESN'T exist. We can try to be perfect but its not going to happen, because if it did, we wouldn't be human, and ergo we wouldn't be here.

One reader said she finds herself constantly comparing herself to other moms. I do too. I had an instance recently where I went to visit a friend in her immaculate home with her very well behaved child and my son was running around like a headless chicken! I wanted to scream and wished the floor would swallow me up. I had another friend who told me she went shopping recently with her two small children and could just feel daggers in her from onlookers when her toddler was running around the store and her newborn was screaming his head off.

The one lesson motherhood has taught me more than anything is that there is no one right way to do things. My son watches television and eats a lot of what I consider junk. But he also knows how to say "Please" (sounds more like "Peas") and loves to have us read books all the time. He would be outside watching the trucks and playing in our car if I would let him, ALL DAY LONG!

Some parents don't let their kids watch TV. Others only feed organic. Some do cloth only diapers, others think bottles are the best. Some let kids eat in front of the tv, while others have a strict regiment for eating at the table. At the end of the day, these are all ok. As mom's (and dad's too) we have to remember that old expression our mom's taught us: If Janie is jumping off a bridge, are you going to too? It's ok to be different.

If your children are happy and healthy, especially if they are super young (I am saying 3 and under) than you are doing an amazing job as a Mom! That's all we can ask for, everything else is gravy. Don't ever forget that.

I know this post is again not typical money saving, but this blog isn't just about the latest sales, trust me there are plenty of those kinds out there already. I write about mostly money and being the cfo of our little family, and how we stay sane and out of debt. Reminding myself constantly that its ok not be perfect, goes a long way to ensuring that sanity.

Have a great weekend!

Free Burritos in DC today!

Click here, but apparently all DC area Moe's Southwest Grill locations are giving away free burritos today to help raise funds for Juvinille Diabetes. Yum!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Change in commenting policy

As a result of spam, I have now changed the way comments can be posted. They will go through me (boo!) first, so there may be a delay.

Chances are you are not some chinesse sex therapist trying to sell me things, but unfornately said person is out there and I prefer his comments not to be posted on my blog.

You scream, I Scream....

...we all scream for Ice Cream!

It's Ice Cream Week, or so it seems.

Tomorrow, Wed. April 25, Baskin Robbins is having 31 cent scoop day! Click here for all the info.

And then on Thursday, Carvel is giving out free cups of its new Low Fat Ice Cream with flavor shots. Click here....

Rebate honored!

Yippee! If you remember from an earlier post I wondered if I would still get my rebate, even though I had lost the receipt and was technically applying for it after the deadline.

Well, today in the mail, my $100 rebate debit card arrived! I plan on using it for the bill associated with the item. This goes to show, that even though something has an expiration date, it doesn't always mean it will be strictly enforced. It never hurts to try (if they say no rebate/refund you are no worse off than you are now).

I am really excited about this! So thanks D.A. for encouraging me to get the receipt copied from the vendor, we are now $100 richer...what a great day!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Free Full Size Origins Cleanser

In honor of Earth Day, when you spend more than $30 online you get either a free bottle of A Perfect World, an antioxident cleanser OR Checks and Balances, a face wash. For A Perfect World, enter code APW at check out. For Checks and Balances, enter CHECKS.

Also, if you spend more than $50, shipping is free.

Click here for all the info.

Lands End bathing suit sale

Today only, 30% off regular priced bathing suits. I may have to check this out myself. Lands End is the only place I have found that has good quality bathing suits for regular sized women.

Click here for details.

Free Samples Galore

Thanks to FreeSampleFreak for this extensive list of freebies today in honor of Earth Day!

Before going online, check here

Thanks to loyal Blue Patcher Nicole in Georgia for this tip!

She says if you go to you are bound to find savings of some sort. She said 90% of the time she gets a discount or at least Free Shipping which she otherwise would not have.

I will definitely check out. And when you all do, assuming you do, please let me know how it goes.

Happy Earth Day!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Thanks to KC Penny Pinchin Mom for this tip!

Snapfish is giving away 10,000 free 5x7 photobooks beginning on Friday, April 23. Enter Code ALLYOUMOM at check out.

Click here for all the info

Cloth diapers 50% off

Babysteals has GroBaby Hybrid Cloth Diapering package for 50% off today only.
Click here for details.

These go FAST so make sure to hurry over soon if interested.

Grocery store round up

Lots of bloggers keep track of grocery store deals. Here's a list (and its partial since its only what I can find at the moment), of whats out there.

Thanks to the Bloggers linked!

Food Lion, For the Momma's

Safeway, For the Momma's

Harris Teeter, Mrs. Moneysaver

Wegman's, Mrs. Moneysaver

Search for your own state's deals or other specific stores by clicking BeCentsAble's Grocery Gathering.

KC Penny Pinchin' Mom also has a great database of grocery store deals, make sure to check it out here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thoughts from someone (else) who has been there

It dawned on me the other day that I am approaching my one year anniversary. In some ways it feels like yesterday, and in others it feels like ages ago. When my anniversary date comes, I am certain to reflect.

But tonight stumbling across different websites I came across this article by the Recession Columnist who got canned from the Chicago Tribune. He offers some good advice and reflections on his year out.

I hope you don't find yourself out of a job, or in a challenging financial situation, but should you, he offers some good pointers.

Dairy Queen Blizzard 25 cents!

Don't forget, this week until April 25 (Sunday), DQ is having a deal on the Blizzard, buy one at regular price, get a second one for 25 cents!

Click here for the information...we may have to go one night this week, yum!

Lowe's kid program this weekend...and next

I always liked Lowe's. Not sure if its because of the Gene Hackman voice overs (I know very odd, but I love his voice). Anyway, I have heard about these clinics for awhile and can't wait until The Monkey is big enough to take part.

This Saturday, Lowe's is offering a FREE clinic for kids to learn how to build a birdfeeder. Next Saturday they can make a school house. In addition to keeping what they make, kids also get a FREE pair of googles, an apron and a certificate of completion.

Click here for more info. And if you, be sure to check back and tell me how it went.

NoVa consignment sale -- THIS SATURDAY!

Thanks to regular contributor Kristen for this heads-up!

The Early Learning Center and Weekday Preschool of Annandale United Methodist Church has scheduled our 2010 Spring Kids' Stuff Consignment Sale for Saturday, April 24.

Our sale features gently used children's and maternity clothing and equipment:

- Clothing from Infant to Teen Size 14
- Children's Sports Equipment and Uniforms
- The New Baby Room has Everything a New Mother Needs
- Strollers, Bikes, Cribs, Car Seats, Toys, Games, Puzzles, Art Supplies, Infant Slings, High Chairs, and Much, Much More at Incredible Prices!

WHEN: Saturday, April 24
WHERE: Annandale United Methodist Church
6935 Columbia Pike (@ Gallows Road)
WHEN: 9:00 AM -- 1:00 PM

This is a cash only sale. Most items are 1/2 price the last hour of the sale.
New Consignors and Volunteers are welcome. Remember -- you can volunteer without consigning if you simply wish to shop before the general public.
We also offer a safe and comfortable environment for all Fairfax County 8th Graders who need to earn public service hours! Please spread the word to your friends with older children.
We will also be accepting non-children (grown-up) books, CDs and DVDs for sale.

Coupons galore

As I said on my main coupons page, as a result of this article, for the time being I am not going to post coupons that I found or were sent to me because I don't like the idea of my personal information somehow being online.

But, there are a ton of blogs that I follow that post them all the time, so I am going to share some of those with you. I may change my policy in the future, but for the time being this works for me.

BeCentsAble Cellfire Coupons

BeeCentsAble Red Plum Coupons

Baby Cheapskate, $3 off Huggies

Mega discount at Pottery Barn

...if you are looking for a Hutch.

Check this out, regularly $1099.99, reduced to $299.99, and shipping is only $10.

(Found this at Brads Deals).

Victoria's Secret Sale

I am convinced Vicki's is only good for models and Barbie dolls because NOTHING there fits me (I stopped trying years ago). I do love their lotions and sprays though, so not all is lost.

Right now, if you shop online and spend more than $100, you can take $15 off; spend more than $150, take $30 off; and spend more than $250, take $75 off. Enter code SPRING10.

Shutterfly has free cards

What a great promotion for Mother's Day! You get three FREE 5x7 cards using the code CARDS4MOM at check out. Click here for more info.

Also, they have free shipping on orders greater than $30, enter code SHIP30, as well as a bunch of other Mother's Day centric gift ideas.

For the whole list of promotions, click here.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Money advice on the TODAY show

Some mornings I get to watch, some I don't. This morning while my son was debating between yogart, cereal, bananas, goldfishes and waffles, I caught this segment.

It runs about 6 minutes, but some of the tips they have sound useful. Many are common sense. But it often helps to hear/read/see them again and again to reinforce the obvious.


Shop Around...

This likely seems obvious, but I am constantly surprised at how even the same store can charge different prices at different locations.

Yesterday The Monkey and I went to get some ice cream at Baskin Robbins. That's when I noticed they are having the 31 cent scoop promotion that I mentioned yesterday. I got him a kid scoop for $1.59.

Our neighbor, who is sadly moving, turned 4. He has been away as his parents try to coordinate their move so hadn't bought his bday present yet. Decided as we left BR that I would buy him a gift card for here, I remember as a kid it was always fun to have "my own money" for treats.

I went to the BR that is closer to our church, which is also equal distance from our home as the one I took The Monkey to earlier in the day. Here the kids scoops were well over $2! I was stunned. This pretty much guarantees we are never going to THAT BR again.

I am not sure of the logic here, but if you have a staple you like, make sure to check the prices at the various stores. It might be worth it for you to change where you go, for some extra change in your pocket!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wal-Mart has free samples....

...who knew????

Thanks to Koupon Karen for the heads up!

I will regularly check back too to see what they have and if it changes. We don't go to Wal-Mart since we don't really have one, but know many of you do, so make sure to take advantage if you can!

Anyway, click here for info.

31 cent ice cream scoops at Baskin Robbins

This deal is a week away, but I am super excited about it since BR is my favorite ice cream.

To honor America's Fallen Firefighters, BR is giving away 31 cent ice cream scoops on Wed. April 28 from 5-10 pm.

More information here, but YUM!

25% off at Kodak

Kodak is promoting its Mother's Day sales. Spend at least $25 anywhere on the site and enter the code LOVE4MOM at check-out to receive the deal.

Click here for more details.

Free Target Tote Bag

This is especially important for all my DC friends who now have to pay 5 cents for their plastic grocery bags. Instead they can bring their own bag and not pay the tax.

This week Target, in conjunction with Earth Day, is giving away free reusable tote bags. Click here for more info.

Personally I think its hilarious that these stores charge for a reusable bag. Maybe if they gave a discount (even 5 cents) off the bill I might be able to stomach it, but seriously, charging me for a bag that says your name on should be giving it away...maybe thats why Target is doing this.

Taking my own advice

This is definitely an off topic post, but I think its relevant to all mom's who are trying to keep their sanity and their wallets full. I have no idea how long it will be, so my apologies in advance.

Yesterday my friend "Kayla" and I were out with our kids. Without getting into specifics, Kayla found herself in a situation for which she had no control. She was understandably upset by it, and she was also upset over how she handled everything. I tried to reassure her that she was an excellent mother and that she handled the situation appropriately. Furthermore, in the future if something similar should occur, she could and likely would remember what happened now and use that knowledge to handle it differently.

Parenting is definitely a learning experience, and we can't change over night. Furthermore, none of us moms (and dads too, but I don't think they worry as much about it) are perfect. We are not superhuman, we are simply human. We try to be the best wives and mothers we can. If our family is healthy and happy, then the rest is all gravy. Eventually the clothes, dishes, chores, bills, notes, etc. will all get done. But no matter how hard we try, we will never be the "perfect" mother/wife/daughter/sister/friend/cousin/niece/granddaughter/employee/or whatever other title fits the bill.

Last night I found myself in a situation, vastly different from Kayla's but nonetheless one that caused me to question if I was doing the right thing, or somehow failing at my multiple responsibilities. I was, and still am, upset about it.

I have mentioned many times before that in the last year I have learned so much about how truly appreciative I am of my family, meaning my loving (even if he is messy) husband, and my very healthy, happy (and extremely active) son. I mean it when I say, I would rather live in a box with them, than in a mansion without.

But in keeping these two people healthy and happy, I have inevitably failed others. In my efforts to bring in extra money through freelance work, my time has evaporated. I know I forgot to send birthday cards/presents to my mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law. I have absolutely neglected to send thank you notes to countless family and friends for gifts and thoughtful tokens. And wedding presents, lets just say I am taking advanatage of the whole "year rule" in 2009 and 2010 way more than I used to. Its not that I don't appreciate them, or remember them, its that I simply have felt I don't have the time.

I have told myself that as long as I eventually acknowledge them, that its ok. They (whoever the they is) will understand. The head part of me agrees, while the heart part doesn't. I know I need to do better and that I was raised better. But also, listening back to what I told Kayla, I know I am not super woman. I am human, and can only do so much.

I am not justifying or defending my lapses. I would be angry or disappointed in me too. But I am offering a sincere apology and also hopefully an explanation. I wish I could do more, but right now my plate is full. That doesn't mean I won't go for dessert, I can assure you I will.

I will close with this. So last night was hard and I was sad. But just as I was going to bed, I got an email from my beautiful niece. She has had a harder week than most of us face in our lifetimes. She is so strong and has a long life ahead of her filled with endless possibilities. On facebook she sent me this:

i just wanted to let you know that i love you and i appreciate everything you do for me because it means the world to me

This little note quite literally made my day! She accepts me flaws and all, and knows how deeply I love her and loves me back. Thank you Lauren, you have no idea how much that note meant!

So please, if you are a wife/mom know its ok not to be perfect. And if you have a friend or family member who is a wife/mom, remember they have full plates and just because they don't always do what they should, doesn't mean they have forgotten you, it just means they are a slower eater than they used to be.

Send them a note, or pick up the phone. Chances are they are just busy with their own "life administration" duties and have fallen behind. And thats ok, because Wonder Woman doesn't exist, except in the comics.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Note of caution about online coupons

This article is a good read. I am not a "fan" of becoming Facebook fans for various companies for their promotions, and this article gives a good example as to why (for me it had more to do with cluttering up my feed, but now that I know this, all the more reason not to).

I like printable coupons. I admit I didn't share one recently because it had MY NAME on it and could not delete. Its scary the amount of info thats out there on all of us, so be careful.


Online Coupons Know a Lot About You, and They Tell
New York Times
April 16, 2010

For decades, shoppers have taken advantage of coupons. Now, the coupons are taking advantage of the shoppers.

A new breed of coupon, printed from the Internet or sent to mobile phones, is packed with information about the customer who uses it. While the coupons look standard, their bar codes can be loaded with a startling amount of data, including identification about the customer, Internet address, Facebook page information and even the search terms the customer used to find the coupon in the first place.

And all that information follows that customer into the mall. For example, if a man walks into a Filene’s Basement to buy a suit for his wedding and shows a coupon he retrieved online, the company’s marketing agency can figure out whether he used the search terms “Hugo Boss suit” or “discount wedding clothes” to research his purchase (just don’t tell his fiancée).

Coupons from the Internet are the fastest-growing part of the coupon world — their redemption increased 263 percent to about 50 million coupons in 2009, according to the coupon-processing company Inmar. Using coupons to link Internet behavior with in-store shopping lets retailers figure out which ad slogans or online product promotions work best, how long someone waits between searching and shopping, even what offers a shopper will respond to or ignore.

The coupons can, in some cases, be tracked not just to an anonymous shopper but to an identifiable person: a retailer could know that Amy Smith printed a 15 percent-off coupon after searching for appliance discounts at on Friday at 1:30 p.m. and redeemed it later that afternoon at the store.

“You can really key into who they are,” said Don Batsford Jr., who works on online advertising for the tax preparation company Jackson Hewitt, whose coupons include search information. “It’s almost like being able to read their mind, because they’re confessing to the search engine what they’re looking for.”

While companies once had a slim dossier on each consumer, they now have databases packed with information. And every time a person goes shopping, visits a Web site or buys something, the database gets another entry.

“There is a feeling that anonymity in this space is kind of dead,” said Chris Jay Hoofnagle, director of the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology’s information privacy programs.

None of the tracking is visible to consumers. The coupons, for companies as diverse as Ruby Tuesday and Lord & Taylor, are handled by a company called RevTrax, which displays them on the retailers’ sites or on coupon Web sites, not its own site.

Even if consumers could figure out that RevTrax was creating the coupons, it does not have a privacy policy on its site — RevTrax says that is because it handles data for the retailers and does not directly interact with consumers. RevTrax can also include retailers’ own client identification numbers (Amy Smith might be client No. 2458230), then the retailer can connect that with the actual person if it wants to, for example, to send a follow-up offer or a thank-you note.

Using coupons also lets the retailers get around Google hurdles. Google allows its search advertisers to see reports on which keywords are working well as a whole but not on how each person is responding to each slogan.

“We’ve built privacy protections into all Google services and report Web site trends only in aggregate, without identifying individual users,” Sandra Heikkinen, a spokeswoman for Google, said in an e-mail message.

The retailers, however, can get to an individual level by sending different keyword searches to different Web addresses. The distinct Web addresses are invisible to the consumer, who usually sees just a Web page with a simple address at the top of it.

So clicking on an ad for Jackson Hewitt after searching for “new 2010 deductions” would send someone to a different behind-the-scenes URL than after searching for “Jackson Hewitt 2010,” though the Web pages and addresses might look identical. This data could be coded onto a coupon.

RevTrax works as closely with image-rich display ads, with coupons also signaling what ad a person saw and on what site.

“Wherever we provide a link, whether it’s on search or banner, that thing you click can include actual keywords,” said Rob O’Neil, director of online marketing at Tag New Media, which works with Filene’s. “There’s some trickery.”

The companies argue that the coupon strategy gives them direct feedback on how well their marketing is working.

Once the shopper prints an online coupon or sends it to his cellphone and then goes to a store, the clerk scans it. The bar code information is sent to RevTrax, which, with the ad agency, analyzes it.

“We break people up into teeny little cross sections of who we think they are, and we test that out against how they respond,” said Mr. Batsford, who is a partner at 31 Media, an online marketing company.

RevTrax can identify online shoppers when they are signed in to a coupon site like Ebates or FatWallet or the retailer’s own site. It says it avoids connecting that number with real people to steer clear of privacy issues, but clients can make that match.

The retailer can also make that connection when it is offering coupons to its Facebook fans, like Filene’s Basement is doing.

“When someone joins a fan club, the user’s Facebook ID becomes visible to the merchandiser,” Mr. Treiber said. “We take that and embed it in a bar code or promotion code.”

“When the consumer redeems the offer in store, we can track it back, in this case, not to the Google search term but to the actual Facebook user ID that was signing up,” he said. Although Facebook does not signal that Amy Smith responded to a given ad, Filene’s could look up the user ID connected to the coupon and “do some more manual-type research — you could easily see your sex, your location and what you’re interested in,” Mr. Treiber said. (Mr. O’Neil said Filene’s did not do this at the moment.)

The coupon efforts are nascent, but coupon companies say that when they get more data about how people are responding, they can make different offers to different consumers.

“Over time,” Mr. Treiber said, “we’ll be able to do much better profiling around certain I.P. addresses, to say, hey, this I.P. address is showing a proclivity for printing clothing apparel coupons and is really only responding to coupons greater than 20 percent off.”

That alarms some privacy advocates.

Companies can “offer you, perhaps, less desirable products than they offer me, or offer you the same product as they offer me but at a higher price,” said Ed Mierzwinski, consumer program director for the United States Public Interest Research Group, which has asked the Federal Trade Commission for tighter rules on online advertising. “There really have been no rules set up for this ecosystem.”

Advice from friends

I have found that many of my money saving ways started with my friends. This latest tip comes from D.A. (she knows who she is...hehe).

Anyway we were talking a few weeks ago and I was lamenting I couldn't take advantage of the Verizon rebate I had planned when I bought the Blackberry back in January because I somehow managed to lose the receipt. She suggested I go back to the store and see if they could print me a new one.

Sure enough, and I admit I was stunned. They could and they did! So the next day I sent the receipt with all the other barcodes and the like to Verizon and am keeping my fingers crossed that I will get the rebate (even though it was mailed a bit late.).

So...if you find yourself in a similar situation, before fretting, try getting an additional copy of the receipt from your retailer. If you have already done this before, post comments here and tell us your story, either good or bad.

$10 off at Staples

Printable coupon, click here. Good Friday and Saturday only!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Farmers Markets

I will admit up front they are not the cheapest. It might seem odd to even list on a money saving blog. But if you cook, which I have blogged about before (here, here and here for example), buying your food at a Farmer's Market is a healthy option. I try to hit the one in Falls Church every Saturday all depends on how cooperative The Monkey is, and how cold it is outside.

The Washington Post yesterday had a great listing of local farmer's markets in Maryland, DC and Virginia. Click here.

Free National Parks Week

We have some amazing National Parks! I wish I could travel to some of them next week, but will likely go to Great Falls since its closest, lets hope the weather cooperates.

Anyway, from Sat. April 17 through Sun. April 25, all National Parks are free!
Click here for more info.

Happy Travels.

Great baby site

This tip comes from Heather, who any day now (or perhaps already???) will be welcoming the newest Syracuse fan!!!

Heather says is a great site where everyday they offer a new bargain at huge savings. Deals are posted at 9 am MST, and go fast.

Good luck, and if you get a good bargain, let me know. (I will also try to monitor and let you know when I see good deals I like...hehe!)

DQ Blizzard for 25 cents!

Thanks Thrifty & Chic Mom for this tip!

Next week DQ is saying thanks for being a great customer. Printable coupon here, buy a Blizzard at regular price and get a second for 25 cents.

Kids Eat Free in April at IHOP

Thanks to KouponKaren for this tip! For all of April, IHOP is offering free dinner to kids with a paying adult. Click here for more info...yum! Can I get chocolate chip pancakes for dinner?

Gynormous Consignment Sale this weekend in NoVa

Thanks to Lauren for sending this info along. The sale lasts all day Sat and Sun. The website says $10 admission fee. I admit I don't like that, but I guess you have to decide in the end if saving a ton of money (likely well more than $10) on kids clothes is worth paying the admit fee.

Discovery Store Toys up to 75% off

Discovery Store has tons of good toys! Sometimes the toys for adults are as fun as the toys for kids. Use code TOYS at checkout. I would include the link but for whatever reason my computer is not liking the website right now, so won't download. But check out and then click on the section that says Toy Clearance.

Also, according to the parts of the page that would download, if you use Discover Card, you get an additional 15% percent off to boot.

Winkflash photodeals, 5 and dime sale

Its back. Click here for more info, but bottom line: 4x6 pix are 5 cents each, and 5x7 pix are 10 cents each. And bonus, if you are a new customer, they will give you 50 FREE prints.

And we are back!

I was hoping to get this up and running on tax day, and it worked! First, many thanks to my old roommate Judy for recommending a great designer (Ashley) to make my blog look a little nicer. I am really happy with it, and since its still low tech, and not complicated hopefully it will be easier to navigate and use.

Some changes. You will notice tabs at the top which can take you directly to pages detailing specific sales and tips, whether they be photo deals, money saving tips or hot deals. You can still find them on the home page, and that's where they will originate from, but this way if you want to know what the latest photo deal is, instead of searching the blog you can go right there to begin with.

While I am in Northern Virginia, I know I have readers all over the country. Please do not hestitate to email me about deals you find or are seeking.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Under construction

Hello readers!

I am sorry I have been MIA. Lots of things going on. But I am excited to tell you that in the coming weeks you will notice some small, but I think strong, improvements to this blog. It will be more user friendly and will definitely be updated more often.

Stay tuned!