I need to sit down and reread my own post from yesterday. We need to count our blessings. We are ok. Breathe. Repeat.
A neighbor is selling her condo and I was talking to her realtor today about the economy, the market and basically where things stand. It was a very disappointing conversation.
Basically he said it will be 5 years before the market returns to where it was when we bought in 2005. Our son will be 8 - let's just state here this is a concept I simply cannot grasp, it seems like he was just born and he is afterall still in diapers. His still yet to be born sibling will be 5. Staying here this long is simply not an option.
So I am likely going to have to return to the paid workforce before I want. I love being home with my son, having playdates and watching him grow. I am so close to finished when it comes to becoming a certified teacher, but this will be put on hold if I go back - even part time.
My husband says if the worst that happens is I have to go back pt than we are ok. He is right. We have been very fortunate that I have been able stay home as long as I have. I have cherished every minute. But I feel that if I do go back Baby #2 is somehow being cheated. But s/he will never know the difference, unlike our son who hated going to "school" when he was 2 1/2. We have kept in there now once a week just to keep this option open AND because its good for him to get social skills -- not to mention I need a day to do house administation tasks like bills and the like.
I still hate that we are getting screwed. Why wont any bank help us??? We are the good people, not the ones who took out too much. Not the ones who miss payments. You can add the realtor from yesterday to the people who suggested we miss payments. Ugh!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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