Well October definitely ended on a good note!
After dropping our son off at my Mom's so we could head northward for a family wedding, we spent the night in Delaware. We went to Delaware Park Casino and I am very happy to report we left there with TRIPLE the money we came in with! My husband did so well at Black Jack that his winnings paid for our hotel both nights and also for the wedding gift!
The key to this was quitting while we were ahead. I honestly had more fun watching him play than I did anything else. When it was my turn I originally intended to just play my small amount and when it was gone, so were we. BUT, I had some luck and some fun, so 30 mins later when I had the same amount I started with, I walked away.
November is shaping up to be a good month, I think. Although with a few trips and Thanksgiving our gas budget is going to be completely obliderated.
Yesterday by going to the outlets and using a gift card, I paid $40 for a $150 Pottery Barn quilt. I am quite proud of myself because this quilt will last our monkey until he is in grade school!
As for food, last night we made the Guiness Stew I mentioned last week. All told I figure this meal cost us about $8, not bad.
Tonight, nothing is more American than Hot Dogs, which we have, so thats how we are celebrating Election Day!
Tomorrow night, we are having Chicken Korma in the CrockPot! Here is the recipe. I have everything it calls for except the stewed tomtoes. Total cost, ballpark but am estimating about $5.
Thursday, leftovers.
Friday, its pizza night. Total cost, $5
Saturday, burgers. Have everything, but total cost is $5.
Have a great week everyone...and be sure to vote!!!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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